Monday, May 11, 2009

Last Week at CAL LU

Oh dear, this is my last week of Undergrad life- I am swamped- but only 4 1/2 more days left until freedom! :)
    I'm almost done with my take home final for Religion, which sounds easy, but is 10 plus pages of horror about Bugandan and Hopi Indian Cultures and the relation to Myths, Cosmos and Society- LAME! The class has been so easy until now! 
   All morning I have been studying my heart out, writing papers, applying for jobs, booking reservations for the honeymoon and seeing no end in sight!  A few more weeks and my life will be a little bit easier, especially since it will include a beach, beer, and 10 days of vacation for the honeymoon! 
  On top of the finals and finishing my online class ( which is not that close to being done yet) I have started to pack all of my belongings up in boxes and bags! I will be moving out of Grace Hall ( picture above) on Saturday! What a process!
  Other wonderful news- I got to enjoy an amazing night with my roommates and my old Roomie this past Friday night! Brittney and her husband came and visited us at Cal Lu ( their old stomping grounds) for the first time since Britt graduated last year! They recently moved from Seattle to Carpenteria and are expecting their first little baby! And it's a girl! It was so great to see her and Kyle- and they are coming back this weekend to camp out on the couch and watch graduation! I will update you more soon!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


SO Here's the story-
   Last Thursday, 4/30/09, there was a senior banquet which I signed up for with my two friends Cat and Kayla- prior to the banquet we had planned on going to Happy Hour- which is a weekly tradition. Cat took so long getting ready that Kayla and I left without her, due to my pushing that we were going to be late. We sit at the banquet and Kayla wants to leave early to go to Happy Hour ( Kayla isn't much of a pushy person so this was a little off) but I wanted to stay. We finally leave the banquet, go pick up Cat and head to my fav. Mexican restaurant Cisco's. ( which doesn't have a cheap happy hour OR pomegranate margaritas so I was a little off kilter as to why we were going there.) As we pull up to Cisco's, Kayla makes me put on a tin foil badge that says "bachelorette." At this point I am just perplexed. As we walk in Kayla, doesn't wait for the waitress but barges into the restaurant where I then see 3 heads pop out of the booth!  My 2 other roomies Lena & Cori are there along with Tyler's cousin Rachael!
 I am sooo excited that I have friends! We order drinks and food and carry on while more people join us! Then as I order my second drink I see Rachael wave to someone. Not thinking much since Kay just left for the bathroom, I turn around and see Maggie- Maggie was my roommate last year and this year, but graduated at semester- and I haven't seen her since. THEN the tears came!
 After a crazy time catching up, we all proceed to my room where I am told that we aren't done and tonight there is a theme. The Lingerie came out of the wood works- and had to be the most hilarious experience ever! 
 To say the least I felt so loved and special! I was so excited that my friends had taken the time out of their schedules to make me feel so amazing and Kayla was the mad schemer behind it all!  I feel so blessed to have had such an amazing night sprung on me. ( And if my German professor asks why I may not have done so great on my German test that was the day after this shower, I will gladly show him these pictures!)